The feasts of All Saints Day
and All Souls Day, when Catholics are encouraged to offer Masses and prayers
for our deceased family members and relatives, were the living expression of a
doctrine which stretched back to the earliest era of Christianity, and which is
embodied in the Apostles' Creed.
The origin of All Saints Day
is to be found in the prayers made to the martyr saints of the persecuted
Church in the early centuries. All Souls Day reflects the constant
teaching of the Church, stretching back into the Old Testament period where it
is record in the Book Maccabees, " It is therefore a holy and
wholesome thought to prayer for the dead, that they may loosed from their
It seems a tragedy that All
Saints Day is less recognised that Halloween, now a secular celebration of what
was once the day before All Hallows (Saints) Day.

These beautiful feasts days
are both a source of inspiration and a consolation that we, in the world as the
pilgrim Church can aspire to be reunited with our families and friends who are
the Church triumphant in the joyful perfection of Heaven. We can also
give the souls in purgatory- great consolation by our prayers and Masses since
we can pray for them, but they cannot pray for themselves.
Let us assist them by our
prayers, works of charity, offering up our day and trials for them and
attending Mass for their souls not only on these great feasts, but also during
the month of November.
Let these great feasts touch
our spiritual consciousness this year.